How To Purify The Air In Your Home

It is extremely essential for individuals to breathe in the fresh air whether they are outdoors or indoors. According to various studies, unhealthy air causes a variety of diseases of individuals such as lung cancer, heart diseases, and strokes. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, around 3.3 million deaths are caused by air pollution every year. Moreover, according to expert surveys, the air inside the homes of the individuals is more polluted than the air outside. Therefore, it becomes extremely necessary for individuals to purify the air in their homes.

Given below are some ways through which individuals can purify the air in their homes:

Opening the doors and windows

This is one of the easiest ways to improve the quality of air inside the homes. The doors and windows should be opened daily for at least five minutes in order to prevent the accumulation of harmful air pollutants inside the home.

Using air purifiers or air filters

Air purifiers or air filters are the most effective ways to reduce the accumulation of harmful air pollutants in the air. Individuals can opt for various kinds of air purifiers or air filters available in the market. For instance, the merv 11 air filters are good quality air filters which help to block the airborne particles thereby making the air clean.

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Opting for diffuses made of essential oils

Various essential oils such as the tea tree oil are known to have antibacterial properties. So, individuals can make the use of these essential oil diffusers for purifying the air inside their homes.

Plantation of indoor houseplants

Individuals can start planting indoor houseplants in order to improve the quality of air inside their homes. Houseplants such as the spider plants are known for improving the quality of indoor air by reducing harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide, benzene, etc.

Using of beeswax candles or LED candles

Burning of beeswax candles or LED candles inside the home helps in purifying the air naturally and also helps in doing away with stinky smells.

Running the air conditioner

Air conditioners are known as one of the best ways for filtering the air of the entire house. They pull air out of the house, cool it and then pump it back. Therefore, it is recommended to run the AC in order to purify the air inside the house.

Getting rid of mold

It is necessary for individuals to get rid of fungus which generally accumulates in dark places and damp places such as the bathroom, basement or the laundry room. This is because the fungus releases certain spores into the air making it unhealthy.

Opting for non – toxic cleaners

Various household cleaners consist of toxic chemicals which may cause irritation in the eyes, nose, lungs or throat. So, it is recommended to use certain homemade household cleaners such as baking soda, vinegar, citrus juice, etc.

So, these are some of the ways in which individuals can purify the air in their homes. Most of the individuals tend to spend their maximum time staying indoors. Therefore, it becomes extremely necessary for individuals to be careful regarding the purification of air inside their homes in order to prevent it from getting polluted.source


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